Author Guidelines

International Journal of Advanced Research in Cloud Computing (IJARCC) welcomes submissions from researchers, academicians, and industry professionals worldwide. To ensure a smooth and efficient submission and publication process, please adhere to the following guidelines.

Submission Process

  • Manuscripts must be submitted via email to Submissions sent to any other email or platform will not be accepted.
  • Ensure that the subject line of your email includes the manuscript title and the corresponding author’s name (e.g., Submission: Title of Your Manuscript - Author Name).
  • Attach the manuscript file in Word (.doc or .docx) format. Submissions in other formats will not be reviewed.

Manuscript Preparation

To maintain consistency and quality, manuscripts should follow these formatting guidelines:

1. Structure

Your manuscript should include the following sections:

  • Title Page:
    • Title of the paper (concise and informative)
    • Names and affiliations of all authors
    • Corresponding author’s name, email, and contact details
  • Abstract:
    • Maximum 250 words
    • Should briefly summarize the research background, methodology, results, and conclusions
  • Keywords:
    • 4–6 keywords relevant to your research
  • Introduction:
    • Clear background, research gaps, and objectives of the study
  • Methodology:
    • Detailed description of research methods and processes
  • Results and Discussion:
    • Clear presentation and interpretation of findings
  • Conclusion:
    • Summary of findings and implications
  • References:
    • Include all cited works formatted consistently (see Reference Style below).

2. Formatting

  • Font: Use Times New Roman, size 12 for the main text.
  • Spacing: Use 1.5-line spacing throughout the manuscript.
  • Margins: Set to 1 inch on all sides.
  • Page Numbering: Number all pages consecutively.

3. Figures and Tables

  • Figures and tables should be clearly labeled and cited in the text (e.g., Figure 1, Table 1).
  • Include captions directly below figures and above tables.
  • Submit figures as high-resolution images (minimum 300 dpi) if separate files are required.

4. Language

  • Manuscripts must be written in clear, concise, and grammatically correct English.
  • Avoid jargon and provide necessary explanations for technical terms.

5. Reference Style

All references should follow a consistent citation style. For IJARCC, the APA format (7th edition) is preferred. Examples:

  • Journal Article:
    Smith, J., & Doe, A. (2021). Cloud security advancements. International Journal of Cloud Computing, 12(3), 45–60.
  • Book:
    Johnson, R. (2019). Cloud Computing Architecture. Springer.

Publication Ethics

Authors are expected to comply with the highest standards of ethical research and publishing:

  • Originality: All submitted works must be original and not under consideration elsewhere.
  • Plagiarism: Manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism. Submissions with more than 15% similarity will be rejected.
  • Authorship: Include only those who have significantly contributed to the research.
  • Data Accuracy: Ensure that data is accurately reported, and results are verifiable.

Article Processing Charges (APC)

To cover the cost of open-access publication and peer review, authors are required to pay an Article Processing Charge (APC). Visit our APC page for detailed information about the fees and payment process. No payment is required at the time of submission; the APC is only payable upon acceptance of the manuscript.

Review Process

  • Initial Screening: The editorial team will review the submission for completeness and adherence to the guidelines.
  • Peer Review: Manuscripts that pass the initial screening will undergo a double-blind peer review process. This ensures impartial evaluation based solely on the quality of the research.
  • Decision: Authors will receive feedback and a decision within 4–6 weeks of submission. Revisions may be requested.

Copyright and Licensing

IJARCC is an open-access journal, and all published articles are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Authors retain copyright of their work but agree to grant IJARCC the right to publish and distribute the work.

Contact Us

For any questions or clarifications, please contact us at We are here to assist you throughout the submission and publication process.