Advances in Green Computing and Energy-Efficient Technologies for Cloud Data Centers


  • Aman Gupta Research Associate, India Author


Green computing, cloud data centers, virtualization, renewable energy, workload optimization, task scheduling


The evolution of cloud data centers has brought significant advancements in technology, emphasizing the importance of sustainability and energy efficiency. Green computing strategies, including virtualization, efficient workload distribution, and renewable energy integration, have become pivotal in reducing energy consumption and environmental impact. This paper reviews the latest trends and technologies up to 2021, highlighting innovative techniques like liquid cooling, adaptive task scheduling, and the integration of renewable energy systems in cloud computing infrastructure. By aligning environmental goals with computational demands, these advancements ensure scalability and sustainability, promoting a greener technological landscape


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How to Cite

Aman Gupta. (2022). Advances in Green Computing and Energy-Efficient Technologies for Cloud Data Centers. International Journal of Advanced Research in Cloud Computing, 3(1), 1-4.