Exploring Edge and Fog Computing Paradigms to Augment Cloud Functionality for IoT Systems


  • Vrinda Poddar Cloud and IoT technologies, USA Author


Edge computing, cloud computing, Internet of Things, IoT systems, distributed computing, resource utilization


The rapid proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) systems necessitates enhanced computational and data management frameworks to address latency, bandwidth, and reliability challenges posed by cloud-only infrastructures. Edge and Fog computing paradigms have emerged as complementary extensions to cloud computing, enabling localized data processing closer to IoT devices. This paper explores the integration of Edge and Fog computing paradigms to augment cloud functionality, emphasizing their roles in reducing latency, optimizing resource utilization, and improving system scalability. We provide a comparative analysis of these paradigms, highlight their synergies, and examine real-world applications. Furthermore, this study discusses the challenges and future research directions in developing hybrid IoT architectures leveraging Edge, Fog, and Cloud systems.


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How to Cite

Vrinda Poddar. (2024). Exploring Edge and Fog Computing Paradigms to Augment Cloud Functionality for IoT Systems. International Journal of Advanced Research in Cloud Computing, 5(1), 1-5. https://ijarcc.com/index.php/home/article/view/IJARCC.05.01.001