
  • C. S. Lewis Laine USA Author


Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Marketing, Personalization, Predictive Models, Customer Analytics


The proliferation of distributed cloud environments necessitates innovative approaches to seamless automation, particularly through the integration of intelligent systems and emerging integration technologies. This study explores an architectural framework that leverages artificial intelligence (AI), container orchestration, and data-driven decision-making to optimize workflows across geographically dispersed cloud infrastructures. This research highlights the transformative potential of multi-cloud strategies, federated learning, and service mesh paradigms in realizing this vision. By incorporating quantitative metrics and real-world case studies, we provide empirical evidence on reduced latency, improved system resilience, and enhanced resource utilization, fostering a paradigm shift in intelligent cloud automation.


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How to Cite

C. S. Lewis Laine. (2025). HARNESSING DATA SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, ANDADVANCED ANALYTICS TO TRANSFORM DIGITAL MARKETINGSTRATEGIES THROUGH PERSONALIZATION AND PREDICTIVEMODELS. International Journal of Advanced Research in Cloud Computing, 6(1), 11-16. https://ijarcc.com/index.php/home/article/view/IJARCC.6.1.003